Friday, May 26, 2006

Hair Loss and Procerin

By Gary Stephens

Hair loss is becoming something of an epidemic in the minds of middle aged men. With social pressures forcing men to live up to that 'perfect' wealthy middle aged man image, obvious imperfections like baldness are unacceptable.

Clearly I say so in a satirical tone but the reality for men facing this problem can be far more harsh. Hair loss can lead to embarassment, loss of confidence and more.

Fortunately for the middle aged among our male species there are nowadays various methods of regaining that long lost youth and returning your scalp to its former coveredness.

Of course we all know about wigs and hair transplants but not all of us have the inclination or with hair transplants the money to make such treatments feasible.

Then there are medications that come by prescription that can assist in natural hair regrowth and rethickening. The considerations that need to be made here are that prescription medications for hair loss often involve altering various hormonal levels which can unfortunately lead to sexual dysfunction and decreases in sexual arousal.

The final, and being a softie my personal favourite and recommended option is natural herbal supplements such as the new Procerin.

The reason for 92% of cases of baldness is a condition called androgenetic alopecia. This condition causes baldness by converting the bodies testosterone to a substance called DHT which is released through the skin (including the scalp) which damages hair follicles and inhibits hair growth.

Procerin uses completely natural ingredients to combat the release of this DHT, allowing your hairs growth to resume as normal and preventing the loss of existing hair. As a result of weeks and months with less hair falling out and existing hair growing unrestricted by DHT, the user gets to regain the head of hair they once enjoyed.

The results from Procerin are shown to be remarkable in terms of both long term effectiveness and speed.

Procerin is an ongoing treatment and can be taken as required with no side effects or adverse reactions caused.

With few or no drawbacks and quick and guaranteed results Procerin is likely to be the next big thing in hair loss treatment so don't be surprised to see it on tv, in magazines or in newspapers in the coming months and years.

It really is funny how the more advanced our society becomes, the more we revert back to older medicines to cure our modern day health conditions. Interesting.

Gary Stephens writes on many men's health issues including hair loss and balding and runs an informational website on hair loss treatments. More information can be found at

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